Our Method

Art and Craft Activities

The Art and craft activities are designed to engage children to put together their creative thoughts into an art. It is also a calm environment that offers art as a therapy to increase children’s self-esteem, self-confidence and independence. The art activities are also designed to provide creative thinking through arts and crafts especially for children who disengage themselves from the pressures of mainstream education, a The Art and craft activities are designed to engage children to put together their creative thoughts into an art. It is also a calm environment that offers art as a therapy to increase children’s self-esteem, self-confidence and independence. The art activities are also designed to provide creative thinking through arts and crafts especially for children who disengage themselves from the pressures of mainstream education, a chance to be creative in a safe and relaxed environment.


Montessori language materials are based on a carefully structured phonic approach to writing and reading. Conversations and vocabulary development are encouraged through group activities and individually

 Elocution – We help kids to communicate well in English with group activities, discussions and many interesting activities.

Science Activities

 Preschoolers are naturally wonderful at asking questions about the world around them, and these science activities and experiments for preschoolers give young minds the skills they need to seek answers and view the world scientifically. This science projects include simple demonstrations, craft projects like building a tin can telephone, and other science projects like sorting and categorizing things found in nature. It is also provides an opportunity for grown up kids to share some of the work that they have done with science and how they have brought it further into their own interest and lives. Further it encourages kids to come out with their little ideas and experiments done with basic material to show others and have fun.

Science Rocks

Science to infants is not found in elaborate experiments, but rather in real world and everyday moments as they move through their environment, manipulate objects, and explore with all their senses. Our infant teachers help curious babies begin the process of discovery by:

Maths Activities

Maths activities are designed to encourage kids in their mathematical ability. Montessori students love learning with tactile materials like Popsicle sticks, paper shapes, and coins – which makes these math activities just what the preschool teacher ordered. Kids can enjoy the fun, colorful themes and learn lasting skills. Soon they’ll be asking for kindergarten math activities! the first six years of life demonstrates the importance of early experiences in mathematics. An engaging and encouraging climate for children’s early encounters with mathematics develops their confidence in their ability to understand and use mathematics. These positive experiences help children to develop dispositions such as curiosity, imagination, flexibility, inventiveness, and persistence, which contribute to their future success in and out of school

Practical Life

Children are encouraged to learn practical skills-caring for the classroom, managing zips and buttons, pouring drinks and setting the table to give them greater independence in the classroom.

Maths Activities